Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Ice Angler Etiquette

The effects of other anglers’ actions can often be more apparent during the ice fishing season. To minimize your impacts on others and ensure an enjoyable day on the ice, keep the following tips in mind.

  • Pack it in, pack it out. Leaving garbage on the ice is unsightly and irresponsible. That also goes for fish carcasses and unused bait.
  • Avoid bringing glass.
  • Only leave the fish you intend on keeping on the ice. Release unwanted fish back in the water.
  • Spread out and give anglers space. Besides, a crowd of anglers in one spot doesn’t always mean the fishing’s good there. If you still want to fish that area, set up on the edges of the group, but don’t be afraid to venture out (safely, obviously).
  • Be courteous. Fishing a spot one day doesn’t give you dibs the following day. It doesn’t hurt to ask if they mind if you set up 50 yards to their side.
  • Park smart. As snowbanks grow over the season, parking options in a lot can get limited. If the lot is full, move to another access site.
  • If you’re traveling via snowmobile watch for angler’s tip ups.
  • Don't yell “FLAG” if there isn't one. It’s not funny.
  • Set up outside of established/visible travel routes.
  • Be kind. Talk with people, share stories, maybe even some of that venison chili you brought with you.