Wednesday, March 27, 2024

N.Y. DEC Seeks Striper Volunteers

Do you fish for striped bass in the Hudson River? Whether you catch-and-release or take home a keeper, you can be part of the Hudson River Cooperative Angler Program. Share your fishing trip information and help biologists understand and manage our striped bass fishery.

Here's how it works: Fill out a logbook we provide or record your trips on your smartphone using DEC's Hudson River online logbook (PDF) whenever you fish on the tidal Hudson River (by boat or on the shore). Record general location, time, gear used, and what you caught (or if you didn't catch anything) and return the logbook when you are done fishing. You'll receive an annual newsletter summarizing the recreational fishery information, in addition to the latest news regarding the Hudson River and its regulations.

For more information on the angler program and instructions on installing the Survey123 App to access the online logbook, visit DEC's website or email The striped bass fishing season begins April 1, 2024. For information about fishing regulations, visit DEC's Freshwater Fishing Regulations webpage.

Note: If you primarily fish for striped bass in New York waters south of the George Washington Bridge, please visit DEC’s Striped Bass Cooperative Angler Program or contact the Diadromous Fish Unit at or (631) 380-3320.